I don't own this. Just doing some fan translation free of charge Yuu goes to talk to Kurosak-kun behind Papa´s back... BUT the meeting in the bathroom is unexpected~!? YUU: How am I supposed to ...have a talk sfx: shower running YUU: in this situation.... sfx: picks up KURO: take it, get out sfx: clsnk YUU: ........ YUU: ...da-date... why don´t we go on a date together!? sfx: shower running box: ...I´m nervous..... but KURO: ..... YUU: ...I felt like... I want to remember the relationship ...that I had ....with Kurosaki-san... KURO: ---didn´t you hate me? YUU: ...yes, that´s exactly right... ~~~but let´s say not right now... KURO: If you want to remember, you can do it right here YUU: ? here... sfx: pulls KURO: it´s out third time meeting in the bathroom box: third?! how´s that possible!? !!? KURO: both times it was in the bathtub right? sfx: splash box: !!? don´t tell me that... box: we´ve ...already... done it. it´s that ki...
English translations of manga I like
I´ll publish the english translation of mangas I like to read that I can´t find in english. I won't be taking requests, else there won't be an end. I also don't have a release schedule I'm not a group and I ask you not to pressure me too much, I do it because I want to. I know I´m slow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯